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- if you are not, start blogging today
- write about something that you love
- if you are serious about blogging buy your own domain
- make sure your domain name is equal to your blog name
- use a short and easy to remember name
- use WordPress
- use WordPress plugins
- blog with consistency
- write at least 5 posts a week
- proofread
- proofread one more time
- interact with other bloggers
- leave meaningful comments
- leave funny comments
- leave the first comment
- backup your blog
- get rid of the sidebar calendar
- choose your niche wisely, not too big and not too small
- participate in online forums
- put a link on your signature
- use blog carnivals
- content is king
- customize your blog template
- use trackbacks
- simplicity is the way to go
- leverage social bookmarks
- consider joining a blog network
- write “Top 10” lists
- use tags
- use pings
- write “How to” articles
- make your posts scannable
- list your blog on directories
- ask questions to your readers
- use Feedburner
- use sense of humor
- be generous
- encourage readers to subscribe
- have some spare posts for emergencies
- encourage readers to digg your posts
- put an RSS subscription icon on every single page
- use “series” of posts
- return comments
- return links
- use readable fonts
- gather .edu and .gov backlinks
- break long posts in more parts
- experiment with different revenue sources
- write “pillar articles“
- use Google Analytics
- study those numbers
- use email interviews
- be yourself
- avoid duplicate content
- use an RSS reader
- read as many blogs as possible
- focus on timeless content
- have an “About” page
- have a picture of yourself on the “About” page
- crate your own “Advertise Here” page
- use meta tags wisely
- learn the basics of SEO
- use pictures whenever possible
- create value for your readers
- place ads wisely
- be patient
- consider getting a co-blogger
- submit your articles to directories
- share what has worked for you
- share what has not worked for you
- read
- do not clutter your sidebar with icons
- get rid of looooong blogrolls
- experiment with Google Adsense
- experiment with Text-Link-Ads
- link to other blogs as often as possible
- make it easy for visitors to contact you
- use titles effectively
- offer email subscriptions
- always answer to questions
- always answer to comments
- use Technorati
- enable subscription to comments
- offer useful tools or resources
- write with a personal touch
- become an expert in your niche
- do not rely on “linking posts”
- always give your opinion
- use simple colors
- participate in blogging projects
- get to know other bloggers personally
- list your best articles
- have a voice
- organize your categories
- talk directly to your readers
- make your URL structure efficient
- put functional links on your footer
- mention your sources or references
- do monthly roundups
- consider adding podcasts
- create a “101 list”
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yongfa, seach the blog for “optimal URL structure” and you will find it.
Sam, thanks, corrected that.
Your adsense suggestion links to analytics… just an FYI
good,I like your web ,
I have a question :your web url is
please how you do it?
auto? or write it yourself?
bhupen, browse around the blog and you will find most of the tips explained.
Also, if you have any particular question just drop me an email and I will try to cover it.
ok.ok. But too many rules, could you not have it made it to 5 or 10. I agree on duplicate contents, know your readers and speak looking at their eyes! Hope you provide a thorough guide for the newcomers, just plain list would not work.
Thanks for your tips !!!
Few of them I already realised
But my Blog is relatively new – means
I’m still a baby in the blog sphere
Its very helpful for me
I will put a link on my blog
Thank you very much for sharing. Good tips indeed.
Thanks a lot for sharing these tips with us.They were very interesting!
nice article
Wow….These are really useful tips…..enjoyed reading it…:-)
I have created a mini list of blog tips including some SEO tips and quick traffic generation tricks – let me know your thoughts.
StoryOnVideo, just use Google, there is plenty of good are free information around the Web.
ops forget to ask one another things..if possible can anyone here help me in SEO tips for make my blog can rank well in search engine? Thank You.
Fabulous list! Just found your site through I’ll be back for another dose!
Great list. Phew! I’m happy that I’m already doing alot of these things on my site, but I still learnt some great tips. Thanks
I especially like the last one. 101 list do great on social bookmarking websites.
Nice list!
The funny thing is that this list could also have done by me. Except of three points I totally agree with you.
Go on with you good job! 🙂
Fantastic list.
I came across your site through the 2007 Bloggies list… you just got my vote. 🙂
It is a lot of work.
Very nice list but damn! You make it sound like a lot of work!
Thank you, this is a great list. I am slowly working through it and improving my blog.
Wow….great advice thanks so much!!
Gdog, I wrote all the tips in one sitting, hence why there are not even capital letters on each entry! Thanks for the comment
Excellent – did you sit down and write these all in one setting or did you build a list over time? Nice list anyway…
Awesome list, thank you!
Great list, thanks! =)
There are some things that I didnt consider. Thanks for the 101 things you’ve learnt!
If you can make a rss of your blog through feedburner , then i guess u have to upload that .In wordpress there is one feature called as upload , you should be able to find out rss in that.
I am glad you liked my entry, thanks for the link.
Great list! I wish I saw #4 months ago but I got caught up in having an all encompassing site. My project for early 2007 is to make my domain name my blog name. I agree whole-heartily with using WordPress. And, I am learning so much about blogs and blogging from Darren’s project. You can check out my post at
I’m using But I want to migrate all my old posts/comments to WordPress, is it possible ?
Nice list – I like how short each entry was. If I made a list, one would be so long – about 5 lines by the time I stated exactly what I wanted to say, that the list would be actually boring instead of intriguing… kind of like this post! lol – nice list, I’ll check out your blog since someone said it rocked… VJ in Thailand
glen, thanks for that
george, I already linked your entry to the writing project, nice job
tigerfish, what blogging platform are you currently using? I am sure there is plenty of information out there about “migrating to wordpress”, if you have problems drop me an email
Have already made a mistake on 6.
Is there somehow I can do a easy migration of old posts/comments to wordpress ?
This is my prediction(or wish)!
May the Force be with you, the Blo-gedi way
Excellent list. I don’t know if I would ever have the patience to come up with 101 list, nice work.
If you are interested, my entry in Darren’s project is here.
All the best,
Great tips most of them I for sure use on a regular basis
Excellent! Talk about getting to the point. You’re 101/101 on accuracy, too.
Yoav, where can I find your post?
Tim Nash, nice post, I just placed a link to it.
a great list I would add Be different and of course you don’t have to be a writer to be a blogger!
shameless plug for my entry in the group project
I wrote about a very similar subject. Maybe after reading my post you can make a 106 blogging tips article.
simonne I agree, tips #21 and #26
Tim, spam karma and nofollowed links are good tips, I will add them to the list
These tips are great.
103. Use Spam Karma
104. Make sure that links are nofollowed
I joined the project too, with 3 console-haikus.
Hi Daniel,
I found your post useful. I’ll add here two more lines: use social networking sites and participate in blog carnivals. While social networking can drive a hell of a traffic to your site (see an example here:
Yehuda, just corrected item 57, now you know why I mentioned proofread twice!
jd, I agree with KISS, a good add to the list.
Ashish, thanks, I definitely feed your blog also.
wow! thanks!
#102. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)
and 101 tips is keeping it simple! Well done (seriously)
I’m printing this one out now and putting it on my wall by the PC.
Great Tips.I will folow some of them for sure.
I also got entry in darrens project.
And i am feeding your blog.There wont be another chance to meet so many bloggers
Merry Christmas
Well articulated. Some questions:
17, 73 – Why?
Couldn’t 2 and 18 be somewhat of a problem, taken together?
and 57 – What was that about proofreading 🙂
This is a long list, I doubt i can remember it.
I’m happy to have some idea on what to do next with this list.
Thanks 🙂
new blogger