Now I See Why the WordPress Image Align Feature Was Not Working

by Daniel in 72 Comments — Updated Reading Time: < 1

There is one WordPress feature that was introduced that always made me curious: the image alignment feature of the “Add media” editor. Why? Because it never worked!Now I See Why The Wordpress Image Align Feature Was Not Working Photo

I knew that I was probably doing something wrong, but since I didn’t have time to find it out, I just kept choosing “none” as the alignment, and then I would manually insert the right, left or center alignment attribute on the image tag.

Then last week when I was submitting one of my themes for the WordPress Themes Directory I got a message saying that WordPress themes were required to have the following code on their stylesheet:

img.centered {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

img.alignright {
padding: 4px;
margin: 0 0 2px 7px;
display: inline;

img.alignleft {
padding: 4px;
margin: 0 7px 2px 0;
display: inline;

.alignright {
float: right;

.alignleft {
float: left;
Duh! That is why the alignment feature was not working on my blogs, I never added that code! Now if you faced this problem in the past, now you know how to solve it.

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72 thoughts on “Now I See Why the WordPress Image Align Feature Was Not Working”

  1. Style.css is a long, complicated file. This code presumably should go in a certain section?

    One of the posts above says to put in ‘on the content section’??

  2. OK, I don’t get it. Pasted the code in to the css file, updated, checked the images and set the second one to the right and – damn, still the same. What is it I’m missing here?

  3. Fantastic! I thought I was going mad after the upgrade to 2.6 on my blog none of the image alignment worked for new images in posts.
    You have saved me bacon. Cheers!

  4. I have used this code to align my images perfectly on my blog. However, in the RSS feed reader, e.g. Google Reader, they still don’t float properly. Has anyone else been having the same problem as well? If so, were you able to rectify it? Please share kindly!

  5. Hello,

    thank you for sharing. It works without any problems. I was driving me mad I thought that I can just use new wp themes, but just pasting the code into the stylesheet works!


  6. Daniel:

    big help! got any clues on the post at a future date feature? When I set a future date, the post goes out into never never land not to be seen ever again!

  7. OH THANK YOU! I have been so frustrated with this topic and just adding that code to my stylesheet automatically fixed my images.


  8. I was doing a Google search trying to find out why WordPress wasn’t doing the right thing by default and I came across this post.

    Thank you for sharing.

  9. Thank you very much for this solution, I really was confused with all of the align functions on the button bar, none of them working ^^

  10. Daniel:

    worked! (no surprise) Saved a ton of work! Sometimes I use scribefire which lets you position graphics a little better. It has it’s benefits and drawbacks.

    Thanks. Always helpful.

  11. *nods* I just had to have that fight with my theme last week (when I finally updated to 2.6 from 2.3.1). Drove me crazy getting it figured out, but I finally got it in there and can now float my text around my images.

    And there was much rejoicing!

  12. Well No duh here cause it’s all news to me, except the part that the alignment never worked, too much of a newbie to even begin to know how to work on it. I’ll check it out and report back on my success (positive thinker) 🙂

  13. @Daniel: Thanks. I did try that immediately when I saw this tip. It still isn’t working though. Is there a specific part of the stylesheet it should go into? I’m still aligning my images manually 🙁

  14. oh…gosh, i always find difficulties when aligning image on my blog. you’re really ‘the daily blog tipper’, man…muchos gracias!

  15. I’m wondering where to place this too? I’m using the passionduo theme and the images aren’t aligning. Thanks for any help.

  16. Thank you! There doesn’t seem to be a blogging question that can’t be answered by our supportive community – quietly working alone at home, yet I don’t feel isolated.

  17. OK, so I am the only one who does not know where in the stylesheet to put that code.
    does it matter where you put it?

  18. I actually caught this myself. I always compare the latest default theme with the previous one. That way I catch any theme updates I need to propagate to my theme (which is based on the default).

  19. AHA! That’s the problem! Thanks for sharing the proper code. Now, where exactly do I put it? I’m just beginning to learn about this stuff . . .


    ~ AA

  20. It was so annoying adding an “float:left;” to each one of my pictures.

    Thanks for the code!

  21. Wow, I’ve been coding a work-around for this for a while now. They need to make this standard with all WP themes someday

  22. Big doh moment, thanks for the tip. Me thinks WordPress themes seem to have a hard time keeping up with new WordPress features.


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