Google Just Updated the Nominal PageRank

by Daniel in 75 Comments — Updated Reading Time: < 1

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I was expecting it to happen early in January 2009, but the Mountain View folks were faster. The nominal PageRanks started changing yesterday, and by today you should already be seeing the updated values.

I am pretty happy with the new numbers. Daily Blog Tips remained a PR6, while Daily Writing Tips went up from PR5 to PR6, and TechCult went up to PR5.

How about you, did your PageRank increase?

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75 thoughts on “Google Just Updated the Nominal PageRank”

  1. What the? My went from a 3 to “unranked”, does anyone know what that means??? Is that a zero? If so, that stinks! My Alexa rank is around 500,000, so hopefully that is wrong…?

  2. I was expecting PR4… but stayed at PR3. Anyways, the good news is that I got PRs for more than 1/3rd of my posts and all my posts and pages are indexed by Google

  3. My Pagerank I still 3, in December 2008, in the new year I have not check again, if there are no changes?
    Hopefully I can ride:)

  4. *squeels* I got a PR4!!!

    *dances around happily*

    I thought I was doomed to stay at PR2 forever! But I fairly big site in my niche republished a few of my posts, with 2 link backs in each one (one to post and one to the site). It greatly increased my exposure.

    I also went from 2 to 4 on another of my blogs, and from 1 to 2 and my personal blog.

    It looks like all my hard work is finally paying off!

  5. My store (4) and company blog (3) both had no PR change on the main page but many smaller pages, like product categories, now have Pr 2 and 3 where they had none before. But plenty others are still at 0, and the correlation is strongly in favor of my older categories, not the bestselling or most often updated categories. I hope that simply indicates that the process isn’t done yet.

  6. Obviously I don’t understand the importance of this. I had a look at some major sites and here is what I found.
    Amazon – 8
    NewEgg – 7 – 4
    My site – 4
    Bloglines – 9
    Lifehacker – 7

    As far as this rating I am on the same level as Amazon is 8? And Google of course is 10.

  7. remained at 4 (I swear it is never going to move), but went from a 2 to a 3, so I am very happy.

  8. Daniel,

    I have a question:
    How do we buy and sell domains?
    I have read that your buy domains and sell them at a higher rate, how is that possible.?


  9. My page rank went down to ‘0″ from 3. No idea why?

    I”ve got many incoming links to my blog specially from the same niche!!!!!!!!!!! wonder why??? any idea?

  10. @Arun, wait a couple of days to be sure.

    @Brian, every three months or so.

    @Jennifer, you need to download the Google toolbar or the Search Status extension for Firefox.

  11. I’m actually really confused. I’ve hardly blogged in the last two months since my site actually crashed and I lost everything I had built up for a year. And yet this month I have a PR of 5.

    Any chance something could be a bit jacked up? Cause it’s extremely surprising and confusing.

  12. My home page went from PR0 to PR2, and my “popular” articles (popular for me being 5-7 search hits a day) went from PR0 to PR1.

    My blog is 7 weeks old and I have little to no backlinks as far as I can tell, so I am happy!

  13. Went from 2 to a 3 – but when my blog was on it was up to a 5. After the switch to, even though the content’s the same (plus more of it) I’ve been stuck at 2 for quite a while. ??

  14. How do we know when the page rank update is complete..?
    I have some quality PR5 backlinks but I dont see any change in my PR yet

  15. My blog went from 0 to 2 in 4 months.

    I’m kinda surprised and impressed, that this can be achieved with the lill’ effort I’ve put in it.
    Imagine what you could achieve…with more time and energy!

  16. My eco gadget site jumped from PR2 to PR5, and my daily eco tips site jumped from PR3 to PR4. A couple of my sites dropped. But basically everything increased where I’ve been actively link building. It’s not that important to me, but it does serve as an indicator that my link building efforts are worthwhile.

  17. My PageRank was 1, and today when I checked (after reading your post) it had jumped to 3! I’ve been blogging for only 4 months and to be honest don’t really know how PR is calculated or why it matters. I do know that a bigger number is supposed to be better, so I like the new PageRank already! 🙂

  18. I don’t know if it is a mistake or not, but my new blog that I started in late October, jumped from PR0 to PR4. I was kind of hoping for PR1 but this really surprised me.

    Thanks for the heads-up!


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