StudioPress WordPress Theme Released

by Daniel in 291 Comments — Updated Reading Time: < 1

Update: This theme was replace with Genesis Pro.

We have another WordPress theme ready to go. StudioPress is a very clean theme, and it comes with the possibility to integrate several AdSense units.

Here are some of the features of the theme:

  • AdSense-ready: The theme comes with three units integrated already. A 468×60 unit on top, a 336×280 unit on top of the sidebar and a 120×600 unit on the bottom of the sidebar. You just need to copy & paste the AdSense code on the specific php files.
  • Widget-ready: The theme supports widgets, so just drop the ones you use.
  • Comment styling: Comments alternate with a different background, making it easier to follow the conversation.
  • “Welcome” section on the sidebar: You can customize a “Welcome” or “About us” message easily through the form on the “Theme Options.”
  • Search Engine Optimization: The theme comes with title tags optimized, and it already displays only excerpts on archive and category pages, to reduce the duplicate content.

If you have any problem using the theme or any suggestion for improvements just leave a comment below and we’ll try to help.

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291 thoughts on “StudioPress WordPress Theme Released”

  1. I need to receive from you mailing “Daily Blog Tips” I has subscribed for mailing and has already passed 4 days and I and hasn’t received anything. Please, look there at itself your post program can doesn’t dispatch the letter in my address? Or you while don’t have at present material for mailing?

  2. Hey, I’m totally a newbie here. My WordPress is 2.9.2. also installed are advertising manager 3.4.16, Using StudioPress Green 1.0 I have account with Google Adsense setup and its running OK, but there are the images wide skyscraper, imagad and banner still showing on web site. How do I remove those pre-installed images? PS at this time I’m only using two ads with Adsense: wide skyscraper 160×600 and large rectangle 336×280 take a look at it

  3. I just spent about an hour going through these comments and playing around with the theme to get the top menu’s removed from the plug-ins to the header.php hacks and none worked.

    However, @ Terry’s suggestion above worked like a charm!

    So if you have come this far then use his example above to remove the pages you don’t want displayed in the menu.

    It would be nice though if someone could workout how to use a plugin e.g. pageMash as it would be quicker and easier to work with. Maybe I might look into this myself, but I’m no coder just a hacker 🙂

  4. For everyone that would like to remove pages from the top navigation. Find this:

    get_results(‘select ID, post_title from ‘. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = “publish” and post_type = “page” order by ID’);

    and change it to this:

    get_results(‘select ID, post_title from ‘. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = “publish” and ID != “38” and post_type = “page” order by ID’);

    In this example, it will remove page id 38


    • Hi,

      i tried :
      get_results(‘select ID, post_title from `. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = `publish and ID != `11″ and post_type = `page order by ID’);

      but all pages got removed, and I want to exclude.

      Can you help?


      • Melvin,

        This is because if you cut and paste from Terry’s response into your header.php the last ” at the end of 38 turns into a funky character. Here is what I did.

        Go into your header.php and find the original unedited code. Open up notepad and paste it in notepad

        Then take this code and paste it below the original code

        get_results(`select ID, post_title from `. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = `publish and ID != `38″ and post_type = `page order by ID’);

        Then just follow the code word for word and make the changes.

        Also for any of you that are not code savvy like me, to remove multiple pages it will look like this:

        get_results(‘select ID, post_title from ‘. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = “publish” and ID != “9” “publish” and ID != “11” and post_type = “page” order by ID’);

        Repeat this code “publish” and ID != “9” for each page that you want to remove. Took me a few tries to get it 🙂

  5. @kdogg and other people about the page order problem, here is the solution:

    in header.php on line 47 replace the code with:

    if ( ! $these_pages = wp_cache_get(‘these_pages’, ‘pages’) ) {
    $these_pages = $wpdb->get_results(‘select ID, post_title from ‘. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = “publish” and post_type = “page” order by menu_order’);

    simply change the last “ID” to “menu_order”

    Thanks to Jason (post #290)

  6. Hey, I’m having one problem with this theme, I have my posts page on a different page other than the home page, and the active state for that posts page doesn’t work, that active tabs work on all other pages except for what ever the posts page is. Does anyone know why and how to fix this.

  7. Firstly, I love the theme it’s nice and clean.
    My one issue and I’ve noticed a couple of others have brought this up as well, is the comments on pages don’t seem to work. Any ideas why?
    When I click the (leave a comment) link at the bottom of the page it just adds #respond to the end of the url but nothing happens.

  8. I have had somebody email me about the code above which hasn’t posted correctly. Maybe the owner of the blog could edit the above comment to:

  9. I noticed the logout function doesn’t work properly on my site next to the comments.

    I modified the code in comments.php to logout properly and return to the current page…


    “Logged in as <a href="/wp-admin/profile.php”>. <a href="/wp-login.php?action=logout” title=”Log out of this account”>Logout »”


    “Logged in as <a href="/wp-admin/profile.php”>. <a href="” title=”Logout”>Logout”

    Hope that helps somebody!

  10. Love the studiopress design. I’ve forwarded your site to some friends who have also downloaded it. Also thanks to you and the others in the comment stream who have helped me solve an issue with the TABS.


  11. Hi: I’m a newbie here and just downloaded this theme. Can someone tell me how do I edit the footer to include my disclaimer, privacy policy and contact pages?

  12. Hey, just a quick question: I’ve been using and enjoying the original version of StudioPress, but just noticed that there’s an upgrade – to version 2.1.

    What’s the quick, down and dirty way to upgrade without losing any of my current formatting, display, appearance, etc?

    Since I’ve had this theme for a few years, I sure don’t want to lose all the tweaks I’ve made during that time.

    Hope you can help and thanks for such a nice theme!


  13. Hai I think iam a late user of studio press its alright thanks to creators of this superb theme.

    two 1.question i want to put a new file i manually created ex time.php i want it to place in studio press themes folder it shows
    500 cannot check for file extension
    What may be the problem how to fix it
    2.When I click the #respond (leave a comment) link at the bottom of my pages, nothing happens. How can I fix that?

  14. Hi everybody,
    I just know the basics of html and editing php.
    So my Question are it possible to change the top menu.
    I want it to show the categories instead of the pages.
    I tried to rewrite it but i failed many times.

    2.Am I allowed to edit the images of the Theme if i (of course) leave ur credit in the footer?

    Thank u very much!
    And by the way: Love the Theme 🙂


  15. im still looking for a widget to display recent posts. The one that I have found seems to double post it and does not stay in a single column. There is one to display posts in specific cats but I would like one for all recent posts in all cats. Anyone?

  16. someone else tried it and it didn’t work. You sure you are editing the correct line and bit. You just change the last “ID” to menu_order.

    Obviously afterwards you have to go through each page and a edit the number so 1 will be top left and 2 next etc etc. I am not at all good with html stuff so can’t really offer any adivice.

  17. Hey Jason.

    I tried that small tweak and it does not work for me. Pages set in hierarchy are still showing on the main header.

    Any more tweaks to try will be very welcome. I love this theme but i cant have this page issue.


  18. off another site. How to solve the page order issue

    In line 45 of header.php change “ID” to “menu_order”.

    $these_pages = $wpdb->get_results(‘select ID, post_title from ‘. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = “publish” and post_type = “page” order by menu_order’);

  19. Haven’t been able to get the exclude page plugin to work on studio press. A new page which is selected to be excluded still stays as a tab. Has anyone managed to get it to work. Or has anyone found a way to add posts without them being displayed in catagories or blog.

    In short I need to be able to have some pages of content which are not in any menus from the readers point of view.

  20. I am trying to activate de subpages in the nav bar.I am using and I dont know how to do it.
    I want to have subpages in the nav bar whit diferent content

  21. I’m trying to get the pages in the nav bar (header) in a specific order. The WP code doesn’t seem to apply as others have pointed out here. The code that seems to be the culprit is

    echo list_all_pages();?>

    Is there a variable to have it sort the page order by the number assigned in the WP Admin Panel?

  22. I am having trouble displaying the two side bar adsense when a posted is directly accessed. It is fine on the home page but when accessed directly the post will only show the top adsense bar and not the two side ones. Kinda strange….

  23. This is an incredible and I am using it to develop a new site.

    How can I replace the header text with a logo image? I am a bit tech savy but I am certianly not a coder.

    Any help would be greatefully appreciated!

    Thanks – Ari

  24. Hi!

    im using wp2.71 and uploaded the theme studiopress1.2 i initially installed 1.0 but wordpress says there a new version 1.2 but when i tried the option “upgrade automatically” installation failed so i jsut manually downloaded and uploaded the 1.2 version and activated it.

    anyway, on both versions im having trouble with the widgets thing. it seems that no matter how i change the widgets on my sidebar 1 and 2, and even tried to empty it all, when you view my page the categories widget always appear on top of the sidebar 1. how do i remove that there and make my sidebars show only the widgets i put in?

    also how do i change my rss feed link on the “grab our rss feed” on the upper right corner of the page?

    please email me if you have answers to my questions. i’d really appreciate it. thank yo so much

  25. DBT are strange; basically my correction appeared before the text I was correcting did… I wrote (278) before (277)

  26. @275 KIRK,

    FIRST: In your StudioPress folder within your server, or before you upload, locate the folder called “images” and inside it find the file “grabrss.gif.”

    This is the image file for that RSS graphic, and you will basically need to place your logo in here and ask the “header” code to point to your new image.


    (1) If you don’t want to use this graphic anywhere at all, then delete “grabrss.gif”

    (2) Upload or place your logo image file (e.g. “Newlogo.jpg”) inside the “images” folder.

    (3) From your admin dashboard look in your “header.php” and go to line 31, and the next few lines underneath, which look like this;

    <a href=”feed:”>
    <img src=”/images/grabrss.gif” alt=”grab our rss feed”>

    (4) DELETE this line:

    <a href=”feed:”>

    That line of code controls the link to the RSS feed.

    (5) In the line “<img src=”/images/grabrss.gif” alt=”grab our rss feed”>,” Repalce “grabrss.gif” with your new image filename, i.e. “Newlogo.jpg”

    (6) Make sure to replace the alternative text as well, i.e. replace alt=”grab our rss feed” with alt=”your new text for logo.”


    However, at Step 4, I think you would have to EDIT instead of deleting the line:

    <a href=”feed:”>

    and replace


    with your link URL (e.g. to your home page).



    I am also trying to stop it underlining all my links, but I don’t know how to do this.

    Your help would be very much appreciated.



  27. I wonder if someone can help – i.e. if possible, please?

    Basically, within the Meta area in the sidebar, there is this link to that I’d like to remove. I have gone into sidebar.php and removed line 49, which I thought was the reference to it, but this appears to have had no effect.



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