The Best Website Taglines of All Time

by Daniel in — 126 Comments — Updated — Reading Time: 7 minutes

If you’ve ever immersed yourself in the exciting world of branding or rebranding a business, you’re well aware that concocting the best website taglines can be as tricky as it is crucial. Creating that perfect, pithy phrase that encapsulates your brand’s essence and stays etched in the minds of your audience is no small task. When we talk about the best taglines for a website, we’re looking at words that make your brand stand out, words that embody your brand’s identity, and words that drive engagement and connection with your audience.

Below I’ll examine the very factors that set these taglines apart and explore why they strike a chord with their intended audience. So, whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own website tagline, or you’re just curious about what makes a tagline effective, you’re in for an insightful journey as I unpack the 30 best website taglines of all time!

Understanding Taglines

First off, let’s define what a tagline is. It’s a short, impactful phrase that companies use to communicate their brand’s message, ethos, or value proposition. It’s that little snippet of text that, when done right, sticks in the mind of consumers long after they’ve interacted with your brand. Taglines are as vital in digital platforms as they are in traditional media. They play a significant role in forming the perception of your brand and influencing decision-making.

Key Elements of Successful Website Taglines

The success of a website tagline hinges on five key elements. First, it must be relevant, resonating with your audience and their needs. Second, it should be memorable – concise and catchy for easy recall. Third, distinctiveness is vital, expressing your unique value to stand out. Fourth, it should carry a positive sentiment, fostering a favorable brand perception. Finally, alignment is crucial, your tagline must mirror your brand’s identity and ethos consistently. With these elements in place, your tagline can effectively encapsulate your brand, delivering a lasting impression on your audience.

The tagline must resonate with the brand’s target audience and convey a relevant message.
A memorable tagline sticks in the consumer’s mind and helps with brand recall. It should be easy to remember and recite.
A distinctive tagline sets the brand apart from its competitors. It should reflect the unique value proposition of the brand.
A successful tagline usually conveys a positive message or emotion, leaving a positive impression about the brand.
Alignment with Brand
The tagline should consistently reflect the brand’s identity, ethos, and values. This helps reinforce the brand image each time a customer encounters the tagline.

Top 10 Best Website Taglines of All Time

Let’s dive into the crux of the matter – analyzing the best website taglines and understanding why they are so effective.

  1. Amazon: “From A to Z” – In just four words, Amazon communicates its vast selection. You can find everything from A to Z, which makes it clear and memorable. This tagline suggests completeness and diversity of products, fitting in perfectly with Amazon’s brand image.
  2. Google: “Don’t be evil” – Although not an official tagline, this phrase had a profound impact due to its direct and bold statement. Google expresses its commitment to doing right by its users and the wider community.
  3. YouTube: “Broadcast Yourself” – YouTube’s tagline conveys the platform’s purpose brilliantly. The platform is all about user-generated content, and “Broadcast Yourself” encourages users to share their creativity with the world.
  4. Facebook: “Connect with friends and the world around you” – Facebook’s tagline directly communicates its mission. It’s not just about connection, but connecting with the world, underlining Facebook’s global scale.
  5. LinkedIn: “Connect to Opportunity” – This tagline is an excellent example of aligning with the brand’s purpose. It’s not just about professional networking; it’s about advancing your career.
  6. eBay: “Buy it. Sell it. Love it.” – A powerful tagline that is straightforward and directly states what the platform is for, eBay’s tagline tells users exactly what they can do on the site, and how they might feel about it.
  7. Shopify: “Let’s make commerce better for everyone” – The Shopify tagline shows a clear vision: improving commerce, not just for business owners, but for consumers too.
  8. Moz: “Smarter, Simpler Marketing” – Moz succeeds in making the complex world of SEO seem easy and manageable, which is precisely what their tools do.
  9. MailChimp: “Send Better Email” – This tagline is direct, expressing a clear benefit for users. It’s simple and instantly communicates what MailChimp can help you achieve.
  10. Twitter: “What’s happening?” – The tagline perfectly embodies Twitter’s focus on real-time news and updates. It’s simple, direct, and memorable.

As we move on to the next ten best website taglines, keep an eye out for the common elements that make them successful.

Another 10 Stellar Website Taglines

  1. Spotify: “Music for everyone” – Inclusivity and diversity are at the core of this tagline. Spotify caters to all tastes, and its tagline reflects this perfectly.
  2. Netflix: “See what’s next.” – This creates a sense of anticipation and excitement, which is exactly what you want from an entertainment platform.
  3. Airbnb: “Belong anywhere” – This tagline encapsulates Airbnb’s mission of creating a global community where everyone feels at home, anywhere.
  4. Uber: “Your ride, on demand” – Uber’s tagline speaks to its promise of providing convenient, efficient transportation, anytime you need it.
  5. TED: “Ideas worth spreading” – This tagline embodies TED’s mission of disseminating valuable ideas through impactful talks.
  6. Zappos: “Delivering happiness” – It goes beyond selling products, highlighting Zappos’ commitment to customer satisfaction.
  7. Canva: “Design anything. Publish anywhere.” – Canva’s tagline reflects its usability and versatility. It tells the users that they are not bound by any restrictions, a powerful message in the creative world.
  8. Evernote: “Remember everything” – Evernote’s tagline promises a solution to information overload and the challenge of keeping track of everything.
  9. Squarespace: “Build it beautiful” – Visually appealing, mirroring the company’s goal of enabling users to create aesthetically pleasing websites.
  10. Dropbox: “Your stuff, anywhere” – Dropbox communicates the promise of giving users access to their files, no matter where they are.

10 More Website Taglines Worth Mentioning

  1. GoDaddy: “Make the world you want” – GoDaddy’s tagline is aspirational and suggests that you can create the online presence you envision.
  2. Medium: “Where good ideas find you” – This tagline positions Medium as a platform for discovering quality content.
  3. Skype: “Your conversations. Your way.” – Skype’s emphasis on personalization shines through in its tagline.
  4. WordPress: “Democratize Publishing” – This represents WordPress’ mission of giving voice to everyone, from individual bloggers to big businesses.
  5. Asana: “Teamwork without email” – This simplifies the idea of coordinated teamwork, and communicates Asana’s value proposition.
  6. HubSpot: “Grow Better” – Simple and forward-looking, this tagline encapsulates HubSpot’s commitment to helping businesses grow.
  7. WeWork: “Do what you love” – WeWork’s focus on creating workspaces where individuals can flourish is evident in its tagline.
  8. Wix: “Create a Website You’re Proud Of” – Wix positions itself as a tool for creativity and self-expression, speaking to the pride users can have in building their own website.
  9. Quora: “A place to share knowledge and better understand the world” – Quora’s tagline perfectly encapsulates its essence as a platform for knowledge exchange.
  10. Stripe: “The best way to start an internet business” – Stripe’s tagline is direct, promising users an easy and efficient way to start their online businesses.

How to Craft a Winning Website Tagline

Creating a winning website tagline requires some key considerations. It should be succinct yet powerful, delivering your brand’s message in a concise manner. Your tagline must align with your brand, reflecting its identity and values. Focus on the benefits that you offer to your customers, highlighting what they stand to gain. Differentiation is key – your tagline should set your brand apart from competitors. Lastly, infuse it with personality. A touch of humor or emotion can make your tagline more memorable and relatable. When these elements are well-executed, your tagline can become an impactful expression of your brand’s ethos and a beacon for your target audience.

Keep it short and sweet
Taglines should be concise yet meaningful. Too much complexity can lead to confusion or forgetfulness.
Align with your brand
The tagline should encapsulate your brand’s identity, ethos, and values. It should reflect the character and purpose of your brand.
Focus on benefits
Highlight the benefits the consumer can expect from your product or service. Consumers are always interested in what’s in it for them.
Differentiate your brand
Your tagline should set you apart from your competitors. Use it as an opportunity to highlight what makes your brand unique.
Inject personality
A dash of humor, wit, or emotion can make your tagline more memorable and relatable. Don’t be afraid to show the human side of your brand, as this can foster a deeper connection with your audience.

Here is a list of more taglines that not many know of. Some of them are funny, some are clever; but all of them deliver the message! Hopefully it will serve as inspiration.

Other Not-so-Famous But Noteworthy Taglines

  1. The Straight Dope: Fighting Ignorance since 1973 (It’s taking longer than we thought).
  2. Maxim Philippines: The best thing that ever happened to men … after women!
  3. The Consumerist: Shoppers bite back.
  4. Random Acts of Reality: Trying to kill as few people as possible…
  5. Joshuaink: Same old shit, different day.
  6. The Superficial: Because you’re ugly.
  7. Smashing Magazine: We smash you with information that will make your life easier. Really.
  8. The Best Page in the Universe: This page is about me and why everything I like is great. If you disagree with anything you find on this page, you are wrong.
  9. Scaryduck: Not scary. Not a duck.
  10. The Art of Rhysisms: Chronologically inept since 2060.
  11. We are the Internet equivalent of a triple espresso with whipped cream. Mmmm…whipped cream.
  12. Ample Sanity: Life is short. Make fun of it.
  13. The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom – a load of stuff by Joel Veitch that will probably crush your will to live.
  14. The Breakfast Blog: In search of the best eggs in town.
  15. Dooce: Not even remotely funny.
  16. Pink is the new blog: Everybody’s business is my business.
  17. Shoemoney: Skills to pay the bills.
  18. Oh No They Didnt’t!: The celebrities are disposable, the content is priceless.
  19. YouTube: Broadcast Yourself.
  20. Waiter Rant: Do you want Pommes Frite with that?
  21. Newshounds: We watch FOX so you don’t have to.
  22. Sabrina Faire: All the fun of a saucy wench, none of the overpriced beer.
  23. Defective Yeti: A maze of twisty passages, all alike.
  24. All About George: All about George Kelly… you know, if you go in for that sort of thing.
  25. Go Fug Yourself: Fugly is the new pretty.
  26. Home of fine hypertext products.
  27. Slashdot: News for nerds. Stuff that matters.
  28. Gawker: Daily Manhattan media news and gossip. Reporting live from the center of the universe.
  29. Get Rich Slowly: Personal finance that makes cents.
  30. hi5: Who’s in?
  31. Fotolog: Share your world with the world.
  32. Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women, Without Aribrushing.
  33. Autoblog: We obssessibely cover the auto industry.
  34. Boing Boing: A directory of wonderful things.
  35. Perez Hilton: Celebrity Juice. Not from concentrate.
  36. DumbLittleMan: So what do we do here? Well, it’s simple. 15 to 20 times per week we provide tips that will save you money, increase your productivity, or simply keep you sane.
  37. Lifehacker: Don’t live to geek, geek to live!
  38. Gizmodo: The gadget guide. So much in love with shiny new toys, it’s unnatural.
  39. John Cow Dot Com: Make Moooney Online with John Cow Dot Com
  40. WebWorkerDaily: Rebooting the workforce.
  41. The Simple Dollar: Financial talk for the rest of us.
  42. TrafficBunnies: Making your hits multiply like rabbits.
  43. Mighty Girl: Famous among dozens.
  44. The Sneeze: Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.
  45. Buzz Marketing: Because everyone is entitled to my opinion.

Your favorite tagline is not here? Just post a comment and I will update the list.

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126 thoughts on “The Best Website Taglines of All Time”

  1. Small Fish Big Money – “making money online has never been easier…one small fish, in a shark infested ocean.”

  2. I like “a celebration of things kids shouldn’t try at home” (

    I had a list of about a dozen that I thought were very clever but I can’t find it now.

  3. What Would Tyler Durden Do? (
    “What Would Tyler Durden Do” is a blog focused on bringing you the latest gossip and news about rich and famous celebrities. And then making fun of them. Why? Because fuck them, that’s why.”

  4. excellent list myfav. youtube although i only have a couple of vids up there its a lotta fun to watch people post anything and everythin on there

  5. Stupid comment section ignored what I put in the website field.

    Best page in the universe is old and busted. it was funny 5 years ago, but now it just sucks.

  6. I like this list, but you forgot mine.

    Dobizo-How To Start A Clothing Line From Scratch

    The word “Scratch” gets them everytime. It has worked good for SEO position and getting searchers to click thru.

  7. Famous among dozens is funny. I am going to click over and check that one out just because I like the humor.
    Mine’s “Happiegrrrl Climbing – Where I’ve Been and Things That Have Happened While I Was There.” Pretty much tells it like it is, with a bit of climber attitude.

  8. I draw your attention to my *other* tagline:

    “A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, stuffed up a dog’s bottom”

    So, so sorry.

  9. I’ve always liked People You’ll See In Hell’s ( “Your daily dose of evil.”

    But then I’m alone in a basement right now.

  10. Hey, thanks for choosing Needcoffee! I’d like to humbly suggest the tagline of one of our newest sites, dedicated to mindless and entertaining violence, The Daily Kicksplode: “No gimmicks. No frills. Just once a day, something takes it in the face. Because this is what you want.”

  11. My fancy formatting = FAIL

    Haphazardly Spellchecked Since 2002
    Sturgeon’s Law Strictly Enforced
    The Buckhorn Beer Of Weblogs
    Thinking Outside The Pants
    Putting The “i” Into “Teaim”

  12. Actually, defective yeti has about 30 rotating taglines. In addition to the one you mention, there’s also:Haphazardly Spellchecked Since 2002 (probably my personal favorite)Sturgeon’s Law Strictly EnforcedThe Buckhorn Beer Of WeblogsThinking Outside The PantsPutting The “i” Into “Teaim”

  13. I hadn’t thought that much about taglines, but you’re right, these do make the reader take notice. Thanks for pointing them out.

  14. I personally like (slightly NSFW). They sell bags for storing umm, intimate items that women use as a replacement for men…

    Tagline: “What do you put yours in?”

  15. Something about being ‘smashed’ with information frightens me. Considering I am on dial-up, the tagline is actually a pretty good reflection of reality 😉

    Mine is: Creating content 2.0 to match the new web. I like it, lists or no :).

  16. Cool post, I think you covered most of major players. A bit of shameless self promotion here’s mine.
    Reality Wired – Perception is reality and reality gets you paid.


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